Sunday, August 30, 2020

Stamp Camp - Featuring Merry Moose Bundle


What is a Stamp Camp? 

A Stamp Camp is where you make multiple of the same card. So in this case you  will make 5 each of these 4 cards. that will give you 20 Christmas card to get you started. 

What a great way to get a early start on those Christmas cards, I will be offering Stamp Camps in October and November also.

September Stamp Camp - Sign ups Now Thru September 15, 2020

estimated Ship date - September 25, 2020 ( you will get a email with tracking information when ships) 

What you will receive=

-Heartwarming Hugs Designer Series paper - You will receive a whole pack but it will be cut  6 x 12 for cheaper shipping. ( you will use this to cut for your cards)

- Playful Pets trim Combo Pack 

- 20 Envelopes 

- 20 Card Bases 

-  a package for each card - your cardstock for each card will be cut and ready to go. 

- pdf of the cards and supplies and direction to put them together. ( emailed to you)

A video of me putting the cards together. (emailed to you)

Cost is $50.00 for the Stamp camp  ( this does not include the Merry Moose Bundle)

Add on - Merry Moose Bundle #153015  $31.50 plus tax and shipping 

If you would like to order this stamp Camp.  Email me at 
I will then send you a invoice by Paypal or Square for payment of the class. 
in your email please let me know which you prefer and if you would like to add on the Merry Moose Bundle. 

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